Saturday, February 23, 2008

My baby has her HEART!!!!

In my life in this journey I have worked with a lot of youth, but this one of one that I was so close. I remember when I first meet Cornisha. Then one day she asked me for some money and I told her AI would give her a job and we grew closer, she brought up her grades and really turned her life around.

She has been in Emory Hospital since December, and today she got a NEW HEART!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why am I in the Acting Business....WHY

I wish I knew why I am in the business, it is the most stressful job. You wonder what your next job is going to be. You have so many people who want to take advantage of you. I really....I want to say get a 9 to5 job, but i know I will be bored and soon as something else comes around I would quit.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I had an audition today!!

Well, I have not been on an audition in Lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time and when I tell you. I was so out of the loop I was mad at myself. I cannot come up with excuses, because as an actor you should b ready. Well, I thought I was ready, but I was not. The person doing the audition on tape made me uncomfortable. I felt like I was in Los Angles where they really do not care. I have been so spoiled being with Tyler. Now get this, I was put on stage in front of thousands of people, and I had never seen the show or the script and I did a great job. However, when I get a script a day in advance and can not nail it.
Well, when I left I got in my car and cried. I even wanted to just give up on this thing call Acting. It is just to stressful. I even question my skill to even do this thing. Should I get a regular job.... or what. I went to Starbucks and got a Carmel Frappuccio and it was my little bit of heaven. I might go get another one :)
I have about two more months of savings, before I have to get a job. I have decided to put all that I have into this for the next two months and we will see what happens.
God you said, "that you would do abundantly above all I can ask or think"....BRING IT ON!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dealing with Fear or walk in Faith

Well, today I was watching Oprah and of course she touched my core.  The topic was "The Secret Behind the Secret".  I have read the secret and watched the movie and was very moved by it.  However, yesterday they brought up the dream board, and I went out and bought me one.  Then I started to think about how can I help students do the same.  So I went to Home Depot to find cork board, well they did not have it.  We found another type of board to work and I was shaking and wonder what am I do, spending money I do not have, for something that might not even work.  I took a moment to say that I do believe, but help my unbelief.

I am going to work on a outline to go back in the school and give each student a dream board to decorate and start dreaming for there future.  How am I going to do it....I don't know...but I have faith that it can be done.

Right now I want to cry, but I am going to hang on and see what the ends gonna be.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

WOW!!! I am starting a blog

Well, today is February 3, 2008.  I have had a lot of request to start a blog so here goes.  Please note that I am not the best with grammar.  I write like I speak.  So take my words from the heart.   :) 

Over the next few days I will catch you up on some things and I will try to keep you up on what is going on.  I have started to do Motivational Speaking.  I went to church last month and knew it was time for me to put up or shut up.  I have gotten tired of seeing our children and people murdered for no reason, our drop out rate is so high in GA,  teen pregnacy and the list goes on.  I have chosen not to sit around and just complain, but to put my best foot forward to MAKE change in my community.